Monday, September 10, 2012

"How to Walk Like Gisele & Why it's Important to Your Safety"


 Am I the only person who envies her fiercenes? This woman dominates the runway because her  walk is just so darn stunning. She exudes poise, class, sexy, sophistication and all the other adjectives that = FIERCE! She struts down the runway full of confidence, assertiveness, and a demeanor that just screams BADDD AZZZ! So we understand why she is worth millions. It’s all in her walk.

Well if Gisele walks like this for multi-million dollar endorsements, cover spreads, and editorials then shouldn’t doing it out on the streets to protect ourselves and potentially SAVE OUR LIVES be second nature? Well it should be, but it isn’t. And this is often the reason why crimes occur.

How many times have you been walking down Michigan Ave while looking down at your IPod? Or how many times have you been driving while putting on your lipstick? Or how many times have you been walking to your car after class or a long day of work texting your pals? Most of us are pretty guilty of at least one of these – right? But did you know that when an attacker is seeking his/her prey, he zeros right in on those kinds of targets - the targets that are looking down at their phones or listening to their IPods? Even though these activities seem like merely harmless habits, doing them at the wrong times can really put your safety and life at risk. Why is this so?

Well when you’re walking down the street, standing at the ATM, or driving up the road being inattentive or lacking confidence or even just looking lost, you’re considered a Soft Target. Soft Targets are an attackers greatest gift because everything about their body language exudes vulnerable and easy.

On the other hand we have Hard Targets or "Giseles" - those individuals who are walking down the street with confidence knowing exactly where they are going. They are called hard for a reason. These folks are so focused on getting to their destinations that they have no time for anyone trying to get in their way, even an attacker. Believe it or not attackers are aware of this also. They despise Hard Targets because they make their mission difficult or even impossible. The walk, confidence, and swag of a hard target or "Gisele" will deter an attacker, because he understands that this person is probably mentally and physically prepared for a situation to go down. Hence, the attacker does not bother.

So when you are walking to work or to school, you want to strut your stuff like you would if you were walking the runway. You should be walking at a steady pace with your head held high, shoulders back, scanning the area. You want to exude the same kind of confidence Gisele does. You should also have your belongings secured to you closely. And of course, the buddy system is always a great option. Two pairs of scanning eyes is always better than one. Now remember there is a difference between scanning the area and looking lost, and unfortunately the ladder can place you back into that Soft Target category.

If you are not accustomed to doing these things then they will probably take some practice. But just think about it this way - if Gisele does it for hundreds of thousands of dollars then you definitely should, because your life is PRICELESS.